347 research outputs found

    Plant-Based Production of Metabolites and Nanoparticles Using Potyvirus Vectors

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La biotecnología de plantas actual, y la llamada agricultura molecular aspiran a convertir las plantas en "biofábricas" sostenibles para producir compuestos de valor como proteínas, metabolitos o nanopartículas de interés farmacéutico o industrial. Los virus de plantas constituyen una de las principales causas de enfermedades vegetales. Son capaces de secuestrar la maquinaria celular del huésped, y de ahí surgió la idea de reconvertir los virus de plantas en herramientas para la biotecnología de plantas como vectores de expresión transitoria y andamios para nanomateriales. Los carotenoides son metabolitos relevantes debido a sus propiedades nutricionales y beneficiosas para la salud. El primer objetivo fue manipular la ruta de biosíntesis de carotenoides para producir los muy apreciados apocarotenoides de azafrán, siendo estos los productos de la escisión de carotenoides. Para ello, se diseñó un vector derivado del virus del grabado del tabaco (TEV; género Potyvirus) manipulado para expresar unas enzimas específicas, dioxigenasas de escisión de carotenoides (CCD) de Crocus sativus y Buddleja davidii. Los análisis metabólicos de los tejidos infectados demostraron que, tras sólo dos semanas, se alcanzaron cantidades notables de crocinas y picrocrocina en plantas adultas de Nicotiana benthamiana. Sólo la expresión de CsCCD2L de C. sativus dio una acumulación en hoja de 0.2% de crocinas y 0.8% de picrocrocina en peso seco. La coexpresión de CsCCD2L con otra enzima carotenogénica, como la fitoeno sintasa de Pantoea ananatis (PaCrtB), usando el mismo vector aumentó la acumulación de crocinas al 0.35%. Pese a ser cantidades inferiores a las encontradas en fuentes naturales, este sistema mediado por virus representa el primer sistema heterólogo capaz de producir crocinas. Los compuestos fenólicos son otro amplio grupo de metabolitos secundarios en plantas muy apreciados también. Los curcuminoides son polifenoles con alta actividad antioxidante que se encuentran naturalmente en el rizoma de la cúrcuma (Curcuma longa). El segundo objetivo fue establecer un sistema para la producción heteróloga de curcuminoides utilizando vectores virales. Para ello, se desarrolló un sistema viral doble, basado en TEV y en el virus X de la patata (PVX; género Potexvirus), capaz de coexpresar diferentes enzimas biosintéticas en las mismas células. Este sistema se usó para expresar la dicétido-CoA sintasa 1 (DCS1) y la curcumina sintasa 3 (CURS3) de C. longa en plantas de N. benthamiana. El análisis metabólico confirmó la producción exitosa de curcuminoides usando dos vectores virales. Posteriormente se analizó la coexpresión de DCS1 y CURS3 usando un solo vector viral derivado de TEV, obteniendo una producción más eficiente, aumentando al doble la acumulación de curcumina. Tras un análisis temporal usando el vector TEVΔN-DCS1-CURS3, se vio que a los 11 días se lograba una acumulación máxima de 22 ± 4 µg/g peso seco. Las nanopartículas virales (VNP) también han atraído la atención en biotecnología por su uso potencial como componentes básicos para nuevos materiales en nanotecnología y medicina. Los nanoanticuerpos son los dominios variables de los anticuerpos de camélidos de sólo cadena pesada (VHH) que han ganado interés como moléculas terapéuticas por su estructura simple, tamaño pequeño y alta especificidad. El último objetivo de este trabajo fue producir VNPs decoradas con un nanoanticuerpo codificadas genéticamente. El virus del mosaico amarillo del calabacín (ZYMV; género Potyvirus) y TEV se utilizaron como andamios para producir VNPs decoradas con un nanoanticuerpo contra la proteína verde fluorescente en plantas de calabacín y N. benthamiana, respectivamente. Confirmándose el ensamblaje y unión de ambas VNPs contra GFP. En conjunto, el trabajo presentado en esta tesis contribuye al concepto de que los virus de plantas, convenientemente manipulados, pueden convertirse en poderosas herramientas en biotecnología vegetal y agricultura molecular.[CA] La biotecnologia de plantes actual i la anomenada agricultura molecular aspiren a convertir les plantes en "biofàbriques" sostenibles per a produir compostos de valor com a proteïnes, metabòlits o nanopartícules d'interès farmacèutic o industrial. Els virus de plantes constitueixen una de les principals causes de malalties vegetals. Son capaços de segrestar la maquinària cel·lular de l'hoste, i d'ací va sorgir la idea de reconvertir els virus en eines per la biotecnologia de plantes com a vectors d'expressió transitòria i bastides per a nanomaterials. Els carotenoides són metabòlits rellevants a causa de les seues propietats nutricionals i beneficioses per a la salut. El primer objectiu va ser manipular la ruta de biosíntesi de carotenoides per a produir els valuosos apocarotenoides de safrà, sent aquests els productes de l'escissió de carotenoides. Per a això, es va dissenyar un vector derivat del virus del gravat del tabac (TEV; gènere Potyvirus) manipulat per a expressar uns enzims específics, dioxigenases d'escissió de carotenoides (CCD) de Crocus sativus i Buddleja davidii. Les anàlisis metabòliques dels teixits infectats van demostrar que, després de només dues setmanes, es van aconseguir quantitats notables de crocines i picrocrocina en plantes adultes de Nicotiana benthamiana. Només l'expressió de CsCCD2L de C. sativus va donar com a resultat una acumulació en fulla de 0.2% de crocines i 0.8% de picrocrocina en pes sec. La coexpressió de CsCCD2L amb un altre enzim carotenogènic, com la fitoé sintasa de Pantoea ananatis (PaCrtB), usant el mateix vector viral va augmentar l'acumulació de crocines al 0.35%. Malgrat ser quantitats inferiors a les trobades en fonts naturals, aquest sistema mediat per virus representa el primer sistema heteròleg capaç de produir crocines. Els compostos fenòlics són un altre ampli grup de metabòlits secundaris en plantes, també molt valuosos. Els curcuminoides són polifenols amb alta activitat antioxidant que es troben naturalment en el rizoma de la cúrcuma (Curcuma longa). El segon objectiu va ser establir un sistema per a la producció heteròloga de curcuminoides utilitzant vectors virals. Per a això, es va desenvolupar un sistema viral doble, basat en TEV i en el virus X de la creïlla (PVX; gènere Potexvirus, família Alphaflexiviridae), capaç de coexpressar diferents enzims biosintètics en les mateixes cèl·lules. Aquest sistema es va usar per a expressar la dicétid-CoA sintasa 1 (DCS1) i la curcumina sintasa 3 (CURS3) de C. longa en plantes de N. benthamiana. L'anàlisi metabòlica va confirmar la producció reeixida de curcuminoides. Posteriorment es va analitzar la coexpresió de DCS1 i CURS3 usant un sol vector viral derivat de TEV, obtenint una producció més eficient, augmentant al doble l'acumulació de curcumina. Una anàlisi temporal usant el vector TEVΔN-DCS1-CURS3 va mostrar que als 11 dies s'aconseguia una acumulació màxima de 22 ± 4 µg/g pes sec. Les nanopartícules virals (VNP) també han atret l'atenció en biotecnologia pel seu ús potencial com a components bàsics per a nous materials en nanotecnologia i medicina. Els nanoanticossos són els dominis variables dels anticossos de camèlids de només cadena pesada (VHH) que han guanyat interès com a molècules terapèutiques per la seua estructura simple, grandària xicoteta i alta especificitat. L'últim objectiu d'aquest treball va ser produir VNPs decorades amb un nanoanticos codificades genèticament. El virus del mosaic groc de la carabasseta (ZYMV; gènere Potyvirus) i TEV es van utilitzar com a bastides per a produir VNPs decorades amb un nanocos contra la proteïna verda fluorescent en plantes de carabasseta i N. benthamiana, respectivamente. Confirmant-se l'assemblatge i unió de les VNPs contra GFP. En conjunt, el treball presentat en aquesta tesi contribueix al concepte que els virus de plantes, convenientment manipulats, poden convertir-se en poderoses eines en biotecnologia vegetal i agricultura molecular.[EN] Modern plant biotechnology and molecular farming aim to convert plants into sustainable 'biofactories' to produce valuable compounds as proteins, metabolites or nanoparticles of pharmaceutical or industrial interest. Plant viruses, constitute a major cause of plant diseases inducing devastating crop losses. Based on their ability to hijack the host cell machinery, it arose the idea of repurposing plant viruses from foes to friends into tools for plant biotechnology as transient expression vectors and scaffolds for nanomaterials. Carotenoids are relevant metabolites based on their nutritional and health-promoting properties. The first goal of this work was to manipulate the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway to produce highly appreciated saffron apocarotenoids. For this purpose, a vector derived from Tobacco etch virus (TEV; genus Potyvirus, family Potyviridae) was engineered to express specific carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase (CCD) enzymes from Crocus sativus and Buddleja davidii. Metabolic analyses of infected tissues demonstrated that, after only two weeks, remarkable amounts of crocins and picrocrocin in adult Nicotiana benthamiana plants were reached. The sole virus-driven expression of C. sativus CsCCD2L resulted in an accumulation of 0.2% of crocins and 0.8% of picrocrocin in leaf dry weight (DW). Co-expression of CsCCD2L with another carotenogenic enzyme, such as Pantoea ananatis phytoene synthase (PaCrtB), using the same viral vector increased crocin accumulation to 0.35%. Although these amounts are still far from those accumulating in natural sources, such as saffron stigma, this virus-driven system represents the first heterologous system able to produce crocins. Phenolic compounds represent another broad group of plant secondary metabolites highly appreciated for their health promoting properties. Curcuminoids are polyphenols with high antioxidant activity that are naturally found in turmeric (Curcuma longa) rhizome. The second goal of this work was to establish a system for the heterologous production of curcuminoids using viral vectors. To this aim, a double-virus vector system, based on TEV and Potato virus X (PVX; genus Potexvirus, family Alphaflexiviridae), able to co-express different biosynthetic enzymes in the same cells was developed. This system was used to express C. longa diketide-CoA synthase 1 (DCS1) and curcumin synthase 3 (CURS3) in N. benthamiana plants. Metabolic analysis confirmed the successful production of curcuminoids. Curcumin quantification indicated that sequential inoculation of both viral vectors was more efficient than co-inoculation. Co-expression of DCS1 and CURS3 was next analysed using a single viral vector derived from TEV (TEVΔN-DCS1-CURS3). This resulted in a more efficient approach as it led to a 2-fold increase in curcumin accumulation (11.7 ± 1.5 µg/g DW). A time-course analysis using the TEVΔN-DCS1-CURS3 vector showed that a maximum accumulation of 22 ± 4 µg/g DW was achieved at 11 days post-inoculation. Viral nanoparticles (VNPs) have also attracted attention in biotechnology for their potential use as building blocks for novel materials in nanotechnology and medicine. Nanobodies are the variable domains of heavy-chain (VHH) camelid antibodies that have sparked interest as therapeutic molecules due to their simple structure, small size and high specificity. The last goal of this work was to produce genetically encoded VNPs decorated with a nanobody. Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV; genus Potyvirus, family Potyviridae) and TEV were used as scaffolds to produce VNPs decorated with a nanobody against the green fluorescent protein in zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) and N. benthamiana plants, respectively. Assembly and binding functionality of both VNPs against GFP was confirmed. Altogether, the work presented in this thesis contribute to the concept that plant viruses, conveniently manipulated, can turn into powerful tools in plant biotechnology and molecular farming.This work was supported by grants BIO2016-77000-R, PID2020-114691RB-I00 and BIO2017-83184-R from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (co-financed European Union FEDER funds). M.M. was the recipient of a predoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (FPU16/05294).Martí Botella, MC. (2022). Plant-Based Production of Metabolites and Nanoparticles Using Potyvirus Vectors [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/187155Compendi

    Adverse effects from SIMCE outcomes in Chile

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    Durante la dictadura militar en Chile se realiza una reforma educativa que considera el paso de una educación pública a una de mercado. En este contexto surge el SIMCE como evaluación externa, a través de la que se pretende dar información de los resultados académicos o calidad educativa de los centros. Sin embargo, este sistema de Rendición de cuentas de alto impacto genera efectos indeseados debido a la forma en que se entregan los resultados y el uso que se hace de ellos, así como por las consecuencias que conlleva para los centros el obtener altos o bajos puntajesDuring the military dictatorship in Chile, an educational reformation is carried out that considers the transition from a public education to a market one. At this time, SIMCE arise as an external evaluation, with the aim of provide information about academic outcomes or about educational quality of the schools. However, this high impact accountability system generates adverse effects because of the way that the results are delivered and the use of them, as well as the consequences for the schools of obtain high or low score

    The hard but necessary task of gathering order-one effect size indices in meta-analysis

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    Meta-analysis of studies with two groups and two measurement occasions must employ order-one effect size indices to represent study outcomes. Especially with non-random assignment, non-equivalent control group designs, a statistical analysis restricted to post-treatment scores can lead to severely biased conclusions. The 109 primary studies included in 4 metaanalyses were recovered, and their authors were contacted to request the raw data to calculate the order-one effect size indices. From this total we only got 13 primary studies. The results with the raw data analysis were compared with those performed with the order-zero and order-one indices. Despite the difficulties for gathering the data, the few data sets analyzed show that if the meta-analysis is performed with order-zero indices, the results can be severely misleadin

    Resource allocation for clustered network MIMO OFDMA systems

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    In this article, we address the resource allocation problem for the downlink of a large network multiple input multiple output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system with 3-sector base stations. The system is statically divided into a number of disjoint clusters of sectors. A two-step resource allocation scheme is proposed involving the inter-cluster and the intra-cluster levels. As a first step or inter-cluster level, two cooperative frequency reuse approaches are designed to mitigate the inter-cluster interference. A user partition method is proposed to divide the users of each cluster into cluster-edge and cluster-center users. To balance the cell-edge and the cell-average performance, a fairness jug function is introduced to determine the frequency partition of the cooperative frequency reuse approaches. Then, as a second step or intra-cluster level, a utility-based joint scheduling and power allocation algorithm is proposed for each cluster, to maximize the sum utility of all users in the cluster under per-sector power constraints. Zero-forcing joint transmission is used across multiple sectors within the same cluster. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can efficiently reduce the inter-cluster interference and provide considerable performance improvement in terms of both the cell-edge and cell-average user data rate. The proposed two-step resource allocation scheme can be implemented independently in each cluster without inter-cluster information exchange, which is an attractive property for practical systems, since it reduces both the network signaling overhead and the computational complexity

    Algoritmos para Sistemas de Comunicaciones Multi-Usuario con Múltiples Antenas

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    Los sistemas MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) multi-usuario multi-celda coordinados se definen como una configuración avanzada y cooperativa de sistema MIMO. En estos sistemas, varias estaciones base cooperan perfectamente en datos a través de un enlace de alta capacidad, y transmiten de forma coordinada a todos los usuarios de una determinada área. Además, cada estación base del sistema está sujeta a una restricción en la potencia total que puede transmitir. El objetivo general de la Tesis es estudiar algoritmos que combinan control de potencia y beamforming óptimo para resolver el problema de minimización de potencia en el enlace downlink de un sistema W-CDMA MIMO multi-usuario multi-celda coordinado. Al mismo tiempo, se propone un modelo de sistema matricial y lineal que caracteriza completamente los procesos que tienen lugar en transmisión y en recepción en este tipo de sistemas. Paralelamente, a lo largo de la Tesis se contemplan soluciones a problemas de tipo práctico, como por ejemplo, limitaciones en el tipo de información que se dispone en transmisión.Botella Mascarell, C. (2008). Algoritmos para Sistemas de Comunicaciones Multi-Usuario con Múltiples Antenas [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/2421Palanci

    Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Evolution of Prevalence and Patterns of Cannabis Use among First-Year University Students in Spain—UniHcos Project

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    Among university students there has been evidence that the COVID-19 pandemic increased their psychological distress, exacerbated by social restrictions. The main objective of this study was to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the prevalence and patterns of cannabis use among university students, in contrast to previous trends since 2012. Data from 10,522 first-year university students (73.3% female, Mage 19 (SD = 1.6)) from eleven Spanish universities collected between 2012 andMay 2022 was analysed. Prevalences of cannabis use and their differences by sex were studied, as well as changes in patterns of use and its use for coping during the pandemic. It was found that during lockdown, all prevalence rates of cannabis use decreased in both sexes, showing no statistically significant differences and increasing again in the new normal period in both. Among regular cannabis users, 79.7% reportedmaintaining or increasing their cannabis use during the pandemic, and of these, half reported using cannabis to cope. Moreover, cannabis use in the usual household increased during the lockdown. These results showthat although the overall prevalence of cannabis use was reduced during the lockdown, regular users tended tomaintain or increase cannabis use. This could imply two different patterns of use among students, one social and occasional versus the other regular, providing new lines of research for prevention and the implementation of social policies.National Drug Plan from the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality of Spain 2010|145 2013|034 2020|030Instituto de Salud Carlos III European Commission PI16/0194

    Quasi-Nash Equilibria for Non-Convex Distributed Power Allocation Games in Cognitive Radios

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    In this paper, we consider a sensing-based spectrum sharing scenario in cognitive radio networks where the overall objective is to maximize the sum-rate of each cognitive radio user by optimizing jointly both the detection operation based on sensing and the power allocation, taking into account the influence of the sensing accuracy and the interference limitation to the primary users. The resulting optimization problem for each cognitive user is non-convex, thus leading to a non-convex game, which presents a new challenge when analyzing the equilibria of this game where each cognitive user represents a player. In order to deal with the non-convexity of the game, we use a new relaxed equilibria concept, namely, quasi-Nash equilibrium (QNE). A QNE is a solution of a variational inequality obtained under the first-order optimality conditions of the player's problems, while retaining the convex constraints in the variational inequality problem. In this work, we state the sufficient conditions for the existence of the QNE for the proposed game. Specifically, under the so-called linear independent constraint qualification, we prove that the achieved QNE coincides with the NE. Moreover, a distributed primal-dual interior point optimization algorithm that converges to a QNE of the proposed game is provided in the paper, which is shown from the simulations to yield a considerable performance improvement with respect to an alternating direction optimization algorithm and a deterministic game

    A limited feedback scheme based on spatially correlated channels for coordinated multipoint systems

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    High spectral efficiency can be achieved in the downlink of multi-antenna coordinated multi-point systems provided that the multiuser interference is appropriately managed at the transmitter side. For this sake, downlink channel information needs to be sent back by the users, thus reducing the rate available at the uplink channel. The amount and type of feedback information required has been extensively studied and many limited feedback schemes have been proposed lately. A common pattern to all of them is that achieving low rates of feedback information is possible at the cost of increasing complexity at the user side and, sometimes, assuming that some statistics of the channel are known. In this article, we propose a simple and versatile limited feedback scheme that exploits the spatial correlation at each multi-antenna base station (BS) without requiring any previous statistical information of the channel and without adding significant computational complexity. It is based on the separate quantization of the channel impulse response modulus and phase and it shows better mean square error performance than the standard scheme based on quantization of real and imaginary parts. In order to evaluate the performance of the downlink regarding multiuser interference management, different precoding techniques at the BSs, such as zero-forcing (ZF), Tomlinson-Harashima precoding (THP) and lattice reduction Tomlinson- Harashima precoding (LRTHP), have been evaluated. Simulations results show that LRTHP and THP present a higher robustness than ZF precoding against channel quantization errors but at the cost of a higher complexity at the BS. Regarding sum-capacity and bit error rate performances, our versatile scheme achieves better results than the standard one in the medium and high SNR regime, that is, in the region where quantization errors are dominant against noise, for the same feedback cost measured in bits per user

    Power allocation for two-cell two-user joint transmission

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    In this paper, we develop a power allocation scheme for the downlink of a two-cell two-user joint transmission system. The objective is to maximize the sum rate under per-cell power constraints. We study a worst case scenario where the carrier phases between the two base stations are un-synchronized, so that joint transmission must be performed without precoding. The derived power allocation scheme is remarkably simple, i.e., each cell transmits with full power to only one user. Note that joint transmission is still possible, when two cells select the same user for data transmission. Moreover, we prove that, in this scenario, the joint transmission case happens with higher probability when the maximum transmit power is high, or the two users are in the overlapped cell-edge area